So, since I've bought my car, I've found quite a few issues. The driver's side brake light has been out since I bought it and I obviously didn't know at first because I had no clue what some of the warning lights on my car were. So, in a sense, they sold me a street illegal car because I was not aware of the brake light being out and did not consent. Then there's a list of other minor things, such one of my fog lamp lenses being cracked with a hole in it. I can't believe that I didn't see that the tires on the car didn't all match. 3 are Komho and 1 is a Bridgestone. Let's see, I'm also concerned that the cruise control does not work and that the trunk release button on my key/remote does not work either.
But I would have to say the one thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that the expensive ass after market stereo that they used as such a selling point for the car. It 's a really nice system with an LCD touch screen and it plays CDs and DVDs. But, as it turns out, the stereo does not load discs poperly at all. I have tried 2 discs, and bother have either jammed loading in or jammed unloading the discs. When I try to eject or load the discs, I get a mechanical error warning on the screen.
Now, this is rather inconvenient for me now as it is lent and I do not have the time to take off of work to drive my car down and somehow find a way back up here. I'm going to do everything within my power to get this shit taken care of and make it as convenient for me as possible. That is all.
Oh well, I'm done with post. Peace.
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